
Christian Science Practitioner Roundtables

Christian Science Practitioner Workshop
April 11th Workshop

Over 85 people came together at Broadview on Saturday, April 11th to explore the question, “How can we, through the practice of Christian Science, be better healers?” Led by facilitators Tim Myers, C.S. and Russel Fogg, C.S., participants shared ideas and discussed how to handle challenges to this type of healing. It was clear that there is a deep yearning within all to put the truths demonstrated by Christ Jesus and elucidated by Mary Baker Eddy into practice.

After the workshop, we heard comments such as: “I felt so free to share.” “It was a joy to be among others asking this similar question.” “I took copious notes and can’t wait to share them with my church!”

We are so grateful for all those who prepared for this event and participated in it. Thank you!

The way is narrow at first, but it expands as we walk in it. ‘Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit.’ God bless the vine of His planting.” Mary Bakery Eddy, Miscellany 202:28

Did you gain any nuggets of inspiration from the workshop? Share them with us by clicking here and leaving a comment.

Past Events

Church Care Committee Workshop – September 28

Garden Party 2024 – Recap

Principia Global Days of Service – 2024
