What an excellent turnout at Broadview’s “Christian Scientists Must Have a History!”* workshop on Saturday, April 8. Our Activity Director, Tracy Colerider-Krugh, with the help of Editor Suzanne Smedley from the Christian Science Publishing Society, shared experiences and insights into publishing for the Christian Science Periodicals. The workshop opened by exploring what Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, actually meant when she said: “Christian Scientists must have a history”, and why this impels us to write.
Tracy and Suzanne continued with discussions on the metaphysics of writing using guidance from Mary Baker Eddy and Helen Wood Bauman as well as how to face and overcome obstacles. Mary Baker Eddy says, “Past, present, future, will show the word and might of Truth – healing the sick and reclaiming the sinner – so long as there remains a claim of error for Truth to deny or to destroy. Love’s labors are not lost.” (Miscellaneous Writings 100:8-11) Every individual plays a part in recording Christian Science healing history, and this statement emphasizes the need to document Love’s labors within these individual experiences.
In “Writing for our Periodicals”, Helen Wood Bauman reminds us that, “Our periodicals are our missionaries, and they should receive our earnest care, not only by our subscriptions to them, but by our contributions to their pages. Those who are best qualified through experience, education, and inspiration to write for our magazines will find time for that service when they consider the pure purpose our Leader had in mind when she founded them. The good quality of their contributions will unfold her purpose. Great numbers of readers will be blessed, and God’s kingdom will be closer to all mankind.” (June 1957 Christian Science Journal). Remember, your written testimony blesses everyone!
Suzanne shared many tips, including the importance of being authentic and speaking from the heart. The workshop ended with the review of a rough draft article so that attendees could see how to apply what they’d learned. From the feedback we’ve already received, many of our guests have been encouraged to take their writing to the next step. What about you? Do you have something ready for publication? If so, please follow the steps below to submit your writing.
*Mis. 106:3
- To submit your piece, visit the JSH-Online home
- Scroll to the very bottom. In the gray footer area, click on “Submit“.
- Read this page. When ready, click the gold “Submit Manuscript” button.
- Fill in contact information. Then paste article content into “Submission Text” box.
- If you attended our writing workshop, in the “Author Comments” section, please include “Attended Broadview Writing Workshop.”
- Complete form and click the gold “Submit Manuscript” button at the bottom of page when ready.
- Submission Complete!
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