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The Inside Scoop – Chris Stamos’ Eagle Scout Project at Broadview!

Broadview has benefited from the Stamos family volunteering in various capacities for several years. First, Connie conducted Sunday services. Then oldest son, Alex, blessed several holiday seasons decorating and un-decorating our Christmas trees.  In June of 2016 we were delighted when younger son, Chris contacted us to say he was considering Broadview for an Eagle Scout service project.

Now a senior at St Francis High School in La Canada, Chris is most known for his baseball activities, having been a competitive player and pitcher for the last seven years.  He’s also active at school as a ‘Link Leader’ (welcoming and being the ‘link’ to incoming freshman), commissioner of the Dungeon Club (the very active and involved student section at sporting events). He attends Sunday School at 13th church where friends showed wonderful support with fundraising for his Eagle project.  Chris described, “The goal of an Eagle project is to take what you have learned in Scouting and put it to use to benefit a non-profit organization. When thinking about who my project could benefit, I liked the idea of supporting a Christian Science organization, so we called Tracy at Broadview.”

After numerous emails considering project ideas and multiple walks around the Broadview grounds, Chris chose an outdoor beautification project.  He was required to present a detailed plan, budget and schedule to both his Eagle advisor and Broadview. In February of this year Chris brought us a project proposal agreement to sign. Then he had to organize and coordinate the execution of the plan, including fundraising to cover the cost.

We are happy to report the project was accomplished on August 19 and a bit under budget! The unused donations will be applied to updating the irrigation system in the area. Chris led a small team of volunteers in re-landscaping the two courtyards on either side of Sunshine Lane, the dining area for our Broadview guests. Though improving the view for meal time is wonderful, the project’s most important feature is providing privacy hedges around the outside patios and windows for guest’s rooms facing those courtyards. One guest shared how much she enjoyed watching the work being done and how grateful she is for the lovely additional foliage out her window.

When asked about the experience, Chris said, “This turned into a big project and I learned a lot.  All the people at Broadview were so helpful and really supportive as we worked out the details.  There were a few guests that we had fun seeing every time we visited.  We would wave through the window or say hello in the dining area.”


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