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Receptive to the Healing Power of Truth

Testimony by Valarie Gilsdorf

When I arrived at Broadview I was having three problems that effected my mobility and made it too difficult to live at home. One foot required extensive bandaging and was painful to walk on. My other foot was injured serving in the United States military and I had two surgeries on it back then, but the foot continued to have periods of both pain and numbness.  On top of this I was also aware that my heart was beating irregularly, and I would have dizzy spells that I was told by a physician were related to having a heart murmur. I was especially afraid of this as I had family members who passed on from heart problems. I had been praying about all of this at home, but when getting around and caring for myself became more difficult it seemed best to come to Broadview.

I am so grateful I came. Immediately I noticed the loving atmosphere. The nurses were so great – really wonderful; I liked them all. They had a sense of humor and I could joke with them. However, if I was feeling negative they helped me by lovingly correcting my thought with a spiritual truth getting me back on track. I never felt judged, only supported. The constant referencing to God by everyone helped me focus on God and I became more receptive to the healing power of Truth. Soon there was no blockage of fear – receptivity became natural – fear melted away as my spiritual outlook grew. The first healing that occurred was the fear of the heart trouble – I knew it was ok. The dizzy spells stopped and soon I could tell my heart was beating normally and it has ever since. Next, I became aware that the war-injured foot was completely healed – even the scar was gone! I was stunned.

Healing progress continued. I was consistently encouraged and comforted by the Broadview staff. Cheerful newsletters from the Activities department came each week with humor, joy and spiritual inspiration that I told my Practitioner about. I saved them to reread and share with friends. During my stay I could tell I was growing spiritually. I studied my Bible Lesson more deeply. Each day I looked for, and highlighted in different colors, whatever citations particularly spoke to me that day. Sometimes I’d share what I found with the nurses and often they’d tell me things they learned about that Lesson and we’d learn from each other.


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