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One Glimmer of Progress

Dear Broadview,

Thank you so much for the provision of a Christian Science nurse during a recent time of great need. I speak specifically of Patty Turner who truly nursed me through weeks of challenge. Hers was a virtual [Christian Science] nursing, done over the telephone, she is miles from where I live. But it met my need perfectly.

During my first call, she reminded me that the Santa Barbara church had equipment I could use. In coordination with our church’s Member Support committee, I received what I needed without my husband having to leave my side. I thought the [Christian Science] nursing work was completed and I thanked her.

About a week later, I received a call from her, inquiring as to my needs and asking about progress. There hadn’t been much progress, and I told her that. She shared with me a beautiful experience she had had at one time when there seemed to be no progress in a situation on which she was working. Her practitioner asked her, “Can you find just one glimmer of evidence that there has been some progress?” Patty thought about it long and hard and finally found one tiny thing that showed progress. The practitioner replied with certainty something to the effect, “If you are witnessing one bit of progress, you know the healing is already complete.” I thought about this in the context of the woman who needed but to touch the hem of Christ Jesus’ garment to realize her complete healing. We also talked about a good God who held man in full perfection … my eyes were opening to that Truth and the fact that one bit of evidence was enough to guarantee that healing was there, active and ready to be discovered. Over the weeks, I loved looking for evidence of healing, step by step. I did so with confidence that the healing was already complete. It became almost an adventure to see it unfold.

After the two initial virtual contacts, Patty asked me if I would like her to call again to check in, and I said “yes.” For about 6 weeks, she gently and joyously called every week—no specific time, always a very happy surprise for me. I was touched by the spontaneity and “follow-through-ness” of her expression of God’s love for me.

She checked on my [Christian Science] nursing needs and I reported my progress. We shared prayerful avenues we both were exploring. It was a special time. In effect, as a [Christian Science] nurse, she brought the spiritual equipment needed to move the healing forward week by week.

Finally, the need for [Christian Science] nursing was complete and we rejoiced together. Her work had been a perfect complement to the daily effective work of a Christian Science practitioner. I am so grateful for Mrs. Eddy’s provision for Christian Science nurses, and for Broadview’s willingness to share a [Christian Science] nurse with an out ­of-territory caller.


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