Dear friend,
This Thanksgiving season our Broadview community is feeling particularly grateful for our Bible Lesson sermons and how they consistently inspire and instruct us to prove this precious Science of the Christ. It’s rich to consider hymn 526 in relation to our Lessons. The hymn also captures the motives and rewards of participating in the Spiritual Activities Calendar. 😊
Lo! as we follow after good,
We find God’s word is understood,
So we prove Him,
Praise and prove Him!
Through us He does perform His will,
To us His promises fulfil,
For we love Him!
Praise and love Him!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
O you to whom God’s word is shown,
Make all His promises your own,
Rise and prove Him,
Praise and prove Him!
His mighty love and holy power
Are here to bless us every hour,
Let us love Him!
Praise and love Him!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 526:1, 2)
With a grateful heart for each of you,

Tracy Colerider-Krugh
Broadview, Inc.
Activities/Volunteer Coordinator
Activities to inspire acts of kindness and to deepen our study of our Bible Lessons