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Meet Broadview’s Summer Intern!

My name, Chukwuyenum (Choo-Koo-Yeh-noom), was given to me by my parents and it directly translates to God gave me/God’s gift in my native tongue. Because I immediately have to give everyone I encounter a lesson as to how it is properly pronounced, I instead go by “Yenum” which a lot of people still mispronounce as “Yemen.”  I was born in Lagos, Nigeria to a family of four. Both my parents are Christian Scientists. Growing up as a second generation Christian Scientist, I have been fortunate to be exposed to every aspect of the church and Christian Science and it has shaped me into the person I am today, for which I am constantly grateful.

The past two weeks working as a nursing intern/assistant at Broadview has been very blissful and enlightening. The overwhelming love and support from the Broadview family has been an absolute blessing, and I’m looking forward to further expressing the same amount of love throughout my time here! I attended Principia Upper School for 1 year as a boarder and I’m currently at Principia College as a Junior, with a major in Mass Communications and a double-minor in Sociology and Business.

I love meeting and getting to know new people especially sharing and learning about their lives and experiences, so if you ever see me around don’t hesitate to say hello (Don’t worry about messing up on my name). A fun fact about me is my love for kids. I have gotten the opportunity to take care of a lot of kids since I was little because of the close-knit family and environment which I grew up in, and in appreciation I’ve had 3 kids named after me. After my Internship, I’ll be heading back to Principia College to work for the Human Resources department for the rest of the summer and I’m looking forward learning and discovering new skills and interests over the summer.


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