Welcome to a new month rich with opportunities to enliven our practice of Christian Science and thank you for joining Broadview in these activities!
Starting with May 1st when we “Affirm the promise of no tears, sorrow, death, nor pain for all humanity” and concluding with May 31st when we’re prompted to “Be open to God’s instructions that may seem absurd to you” our hope is that these activities motivate deep contemplation, listening, and purposeful prayers that bless you and our world. We’re grateful whenever we hear from you, our dear participants, letting us know our hopes are being fulfilled.
For example, one participant emailed “The activities posted each month encourages me to study more and be inspired and to only witness the harmonious unfoldment of Love in our everyday activities.” Another participant from Australia wrote us, “You just wouldn’t believe how your calendar makes my heart sing. Thank you, Thank you.”
With the harmony of united hearts full of joyful song,
Much love,
Tracy Colerider-Krugh
Broadview, Inc.
Activities/Volunteer Coordinator
Activities to inspire acts of kindness and to deepen our study of our Bible Lessons