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“Church” Activity at Broadview

Guest post by Debbie Simmons

You may be familiar with the definition of “Church” in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.  It is full of phrases denoting action such as: “rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle”, “affords proof of its utility”, “elevating the race”, “rousing the dormant understanding”, “casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick” (583). Church in vintage type

We can expand the scope of this activity beyond the walls of our branch churches by prayerfully affirming its presence in all aspects of our experience. We are blessed in the greater Los Angeles area with a Christian Science nursing facility, and it is our privilege as Christian Scientists and Broadview supporters to insist that this type of divinely inspired and supported activity is taking place at Broadview as well as in our churches.

Digging deeper into Mrs. Eddy’s definition of church, we can affirm that the healing work of Christian Science nursing, which “rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle” is evidenced at Broadview, first by higher, clearer, uninterrupted views of man’s true spiritual selfhood (rousing the dormant understanding) resulting from the prayerful work of our Christian Science nurses, staff, guests, and larger community. Principle and Love, governing the active nature of Christian Science nursing, work together to show forth abundance, harmony, and healing. Then, what naturally follows is all individual needs being met (proof of utility) along with the progress of the institution and those within it (elevation of the race).

These expressions of good cannot be interrupted by personal sense or depleted by claims of insufficient resources, and they are certainly never left incomplete. Rather, they are sustained by the example our Master left us. Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Savior saw God’s own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick” (Science and Health  476-477). Broadview offers a precious environment where everyone strives to identify the perfect man and woman just as Christ Jesus did.

Every day, those who visit Broadview or are prayerfully supporting it know that, as the limiting claims of matter are proved unreal and Go Team!powerless, devils, or error, are cast out and the sick are healed.  Lives regenerated and restored, as seen in our healing moments posts, are examples of such, and we rejoice daily in a fuller sense of right activity and purpose expressed by all. This is the evidence of Jesus’ promise that “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). It is the action of the ever-present Christ blessing all. A worldview that limits the attainment of health and healing through the operation of the laws of matter is challenged by those working at Broadview and defeated through the affirmation of Truth’s omnipotence and expression.

What a joy it is to see and support this active healing work at Broadview, in our churches, and in our lives!

Debbie Simmons serves on the Broadview Board and as Clerk of her branch church. In between, she teaches Sunday School and juggles volunteer activities at Broadview, the South Brentwood Residents association and Friends of the Library bookstore.


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