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Cherishing The Bible Lesson- By Tracy Colerider-Krugh

Recently, Broadview employees and guests have been encouraged to renew their commitment to, and appreciation for, the wonderful gift of the Christian Science Bible Lessons. To expand on this theme Broadview staff and guests were treated to a spiritual talk given on April 9, 2018 by Virginia Hawks, C.S. titled “The Value of the Lesson-Sermon. It was an uplifting talk that inspired us to see the tremendous worth and practicality of these Lessons. Near the beginning she stated: “The Bible-Lesson prepares us for our day with joy, confidence and the expectation of good.”

In contrast to the news, she urged us to “turn to the Lesson for information” She pointed out it is a far more reliable source because it regularly handles fear, provides us with examples of needs being met, and affirms our oneness with God who is all and only good.

Other points she covered included the way the Lesson provides ideas that apply to our daily activities strengthening our ability to “watch.”  No matter how familiar the Bible stories are or how many times we read the Lesson each week she said, “The Lesson meets the demands of our day with inspiration and success.”

One Broadview Christian Science nurse said she appreciated being reminded of this and agrees that even after repeated reading and listening to the Lesson, there’s always something new to discover – something that catches her attention in a new way and much to her delight this is happening almost each time!

One guest said that ever since the talk she’s been spending more time with the Lesson to try to more fully absorb the messages, rather than moving through it to simply have it accomplished.

A big thank you to Virginia! We were blessed by the talk and grateful to have new insights into cherishing our Bible Lesson Sermons.




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