Meet Broadview’s Summer Intern!
July 1, 2018
My name, Chukwuyenum (Choo-Koo-Yeh-noom), was given to me by my parents and it directly translates to God gave me/God’s gift in my native tongue. Because I immediately have to give everyone I encounter a lesson as to how it is properly pronounced, I instead go by “Yenum” which a lot of people still mispronounce as…Berkeley Hall Students Sing At Broadview- Article By Tracy Colerider-Krugh
May 29, 2018
Broadview was treated to the annual Berkeley Hall Third Grade Spring Concert on May 22. A healing message of peace and unity for America wove through this year’s song selections that opened with “There are Many Flags in Many Lands.” The third song, “The Great American Melting Pot” celebrated America’s diversity and spoke of “Lady…2018 May-An Angel Message Guides A First-Time Foster Parent
April 27, 2018
Last July I became a foster mama to a baby girl. She was three weeks old at the time, and having been born prematurely to human sense, weighed less than a 5 lb. sack of sugar - and she was just as sweet! It was my joy to care for her for four months while…Cherishing The Bible Lesson- By Tracy Colerider-Krugh
April 27, 2018
Recently, Broadview employees and guests have been encouraged to renew their commitment to, and appreciation for, the wonderful gift of the Christian Science Bible Lessons. To expand on this theme Broadview staff and guests were treated to a spiritual talk given on April 9, 2018 by Virginia Hawks, C.S. titled “The Value of the Lesson-Sermon.…Feature – Obedience,The Essential Spiritual Mechanism
January 31, 2018
by ANTHONY WHITEHOUSE, CS It is critical we see the power inherent in a particular spiritual mechanism, that of obedience. I am not talking here about personal obedience to a leader or state but mental obedience to the ultimate dictums we find in the Bible of “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me " (Exo…Christian Science Hymn 202
January 31, 2018
From the Christian Science Hymnal: Hymn 202 O dreamer, leave thy dreams for joyful waking, O captive, rise and sing, for thou art free;The Christ is here, all dreams of error breaking, unloosing bonds of all captivity. He comes to bless thee on his wings of healing; to banish pain, and wipe all tears away;…Feature – What Shall I Do For Thee?
November 1, 2017
By Lin Watts, Executive Director of Broadview “And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house?" (2 Kings, 4:2-7) What a loving question! Here was a widow in despair, her children about to be sold to pay her debts. She asked Elisha for…The Inside Scoop – Meet Lin Watts, Our New Executive Director!
November 1, 2017
Prior to becoming the Executive Director of Broadview, Lin served as the Director of Christian Science Nursing at Fern Lodge, a Christian Science nursing facility in Castro Valley, CA. Lin has also served as the Executive Director of Twelveacres, a Christian Science facility serving adults with developmental challenges in Silicon Valley, from 2005-2015 and as…