Category: News & Inspiration
All PostsJuly 2022 Spiritual Activities Calendar
June 28, 2022
Thank you for participating in these spiritual activities with Broadview staff and guests. We feel the connection with you and appreciate the feedback we’ve received about you joining in the prayers and Bible Lesson explorations.Monthly ENews – June 2022
June 13, 2022
Dear Broadview Friends: Grilling outdoors for Father’s Day this weekend? Let’s also take the opportunity to “draw nigh” to our divine Father.1 “Father God” is a common concept today — but imagine how fresh and new it sounded in Jesus’ time. Henry Drummond, a theologian whose writings Mary Baker Eddy enjoyed,2 helps us recapture that…June 2022 Spiritual Activities Calendar
May 31, 2022
June is such a fun month, isn't it? There's an exciting energy of summertime fun felt weeks before its official arrival on June 20th! May these spiritual activities help us realize that "fun" is evidence of God's goodness in our lives and that it is all orchestrated by God.Newsletter – Spring/Summer 2022
May 19, 2022
In this newsletter we will explore The Path of the Pioneers with a look back at Broadview's founders. Learn more about our Samaritans on Wheels, Broadview's Visiting Christian Science Nurse Service and make sure to save the date for our Annual Meeting September 17, 2022!Celebrating Griffith Park Maternity Home
May 12, 2022
During our research for our 75th Anniversary, we came across some historical pieces from the Griffith Park Maternity Home. The more we discussed the home in our churches and amongst our Christian Science community we realized how many of our friends were born there. Each person shared such fond memories and experiences that we knew…Monthly ENews – May 2022
May 12, 2022
Motherhood and New Birth Dear Broadview Friends: 'Tis the season to celebrate motherhood and new birth: both the stirring of tiny new lives in nature, and our always-opportunity to experience the spiritual birth that "opens to the enraptured understanding a much higher and holier conception of the supremacy of Spirit…."1 Recently, friends shared their memories…May 2022 Spiritual Activities Calendar
April 28, 2022
How special that we start this new month of spiritual activities with the opportunity to spend consecrated time with the magnificent unifying passage from page 340 of Science and Health that begins “One infinite God, good, unifies men and nationsMonthly ENews – April 2022
April 13, 2022
[et_pb_section admin_label="section"] [et_pb_row admin_label="row"] [et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] Dear Broadview Friends: One of life’s most beautiful experiences occurs when we perceive a purpose that God has in Mind for us. Mary Baker Eddy described this process eloquently: “Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of…April 2022 Spiritual Activities Calendar
March 31, 2022
Are you ready to sleep in and skip the Bible Lessons this month? April Fools! We sure would be foolish to miss out on all the beauty and boldness held in these incredible Life-affirming April Lessons!March 2022 Spiritual Activities Calendar
March 1, 2022
This month begins with a Bible Lesson that urges us to understand ourselves as the beloved, fearless children of God, able to respond to life’s circumstances with strength and light.