Healing Moments – June 2016 Newsletter
June 30, 2016
A few weeks ago, we received a call from an individual living quite a distance from Broadview but feeling the need to come to the facility. Plans were made, and we were prepared to receive them some time the following day. In the morning, the individual called back. The situation had improved, and they had found someone…Our Summer Intern Team
June 29, 2016
We kicked off the month of June with an exciting summer internship program (our very first) in full swing. Three interns have joined the Broadview team – Nigel, Toms, and Elizabeth. In order to get to know them a little better, each intern shared some interesting facts and stories about themselves. Where are the interns…The Inside Scoop – New Board Member Keitha Walker, C.S.
June 29, 2016
Meet Broadview’s newest board member – Keitha Walker, C.S. “It's a real pleasure to be asked to serve on Broadview's board, and I'm very happy to be working with this great group of Christian Scientists,” she told us. Keitha studied at San Diego State University, and, after graduating, she began a fifteen-year career in business in…Berkeley Hall Spring Concert at Broadview
June 29, 2016
On Thursday, May 26th, Berkeley Hall School third graders blessed Broadview with a wonderful spring concert! This marked the fourth year that Music Director, Geoffrey Fontaine, has brought the third grade classes to Broadview, and the Broadview community is delighted that this has become an annual event. The concert featured twenty four children enthusiastically singing…“Church” Activity at Broadview
May 31, 2016
Guest post by Debbie Simmons You may be familiar with the definition of “Church” in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. It is full of phrases denoting action such as: “rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle”, “affords proof of its utility”, “elevating the race”, “rousing the dormant understanding”, “casting…The Practice Room – Soaring Housing Prices
May 31, 2016
What is The Practice Room? View our original post here. We decided to pray about the topic reported in the April 25th/May 2nd, 2016 issue of The Christian Science Monitor: “The price isn’t right – how platinum housing prices are hollowing out the middle class in many large U.S. cities.” We had read much of…The Inside Scoop – All About Alice!
May 31, 2016
My name is Alice Silver, and I am from Massillon, Ohio. I am heading into my senior year at Principia College studying Business Administration. At the college, I work as a student manager at the restaurant on campus, play lacrosse, and am on the Public Affairs Conference Board. As a high schooler, I chose to…Healing Moments – May 2016 Newsletter
May 26, 2016
Last month, an individual came to us needing full bed care. The day after the guest’s arrival, our Christian Science nurses thought to ask the guest if they would like to try to walk to the restroom. The guest sat up, pulled themselves to the side of the bed and walked to the restroom with the…Volunteer Muriel Horacek travels the world and brings her stories back for us!
April 28, 2016
You may know Muriel Horacek as a Christian Scientist from 3rd Church, Glendale where she is the Reading Room librarian. However, to Broadview, Muriel is known as an adventurer who has helped us acknowledge Earth Day the last seven years with several fascinating presentations. Muriel’s interest in animals and the environment began to flourish in…Healing Moments – April 2016 Newsletter
April 28, 2016
While going through some storage boxes, we discovered a talk (perhaps for Annual Meeting) from Broadview's Manager dated 1962. We thought you'd enjoy stepping back in time with us and reading some of the contents of this talk, as the ideas still ring true today... "Good Afternoon, Friends: As Manager, it is my happy privilege also to…