Feature: From Generation To Generation
June 6, 2018
By Robin Scott Collins, C.S. From Generation to Generation "One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." [Psalm 145:4] The persistent reality of God’s power and goodness has long reassured humanity. It is reasonable to view divine constancy as a blessing that improves mankind along the way— morally, spiritually and physically. Spiritual life-practice…2018- May Healing Moments
June 6, 2018
Everything has a natural order to it. In fact Mary Baker Eddy quotes this In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. “The Poets line,’ Order is heavens first law.’ is so eternally true, so axiomatic, that it has become a truism; and its wisdom, is as obvious in religion, and scholarship, as in…Berkeley Hall Students Sing At Broadview- Article By Tracy Colerider-Krugh
May 29, 2018
Broadview was treated to the annual Berkeley Hall Third Grade Spring Concert on May 22. A healing message of peace and unity for America wove through this year’s song selections that opened with “There are Many Flags in Many Lands.” The third song, “The Great American Melting Pot” celebrated America’s diversity and spoke of “Lady…2018 May-An Angel Message Guides A First-Time Foster Parent
April 27, 2018
Last July I became a foster mama to a baby girl. She was three weeks old at the time, and having been born prematurely to human sense, weighed less than a 5 lb. sack of sugar - and she was just as sweet! It was my joy to care for her for four months while…Cherishing The Bible Lesson- By Tracy Colerider-Krugh
April 27, 2018
Recently, Broadview employees and guests have been encouraged to renew their commitment to, and appreciation for, the wonderful gift of the Christian Science Bible Lessons. To expand on this theme Broadview staff and guests were treated to a spiritual talk given on April 9, 2018 by Virginia Hawks, C.S. titled “The Value of the Lesson-Sermon.…Feature-Is This Not The Christ?
March 30, 2018
Susan McFarlane CS “All nature teaches God’s love to man,” (S&H 328:8). Consider the black walnut tree. The pod that encases the precious seed is so hard that even driving a car over it can sometimes fail to release the seed. But plant it in the ground under clumps of earth, and in the fullness…Healing Moments- April 2018
March 29, 2018
A life-long Christian Scientist shares the healing that made him realize that relying on God brings immediate and lasting effects. Many years ago in a career in England as a soccer player, I had a major injury. In the 1970's, soccer was very physical and often violent. In a particularly rough game, I jumped to…Feature – Obedience,The Essential Spiritual Mechanism
January 31, 2018
by ANTHONY WHITEHOUSE, CS It is critical we see the power inherent in a particular spiritual mechanism, that of obedience. I am not talking here about personal obedience to a leader or state but mental obedience to the ultimate dictums we find in the Bible of “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me " (Exo…Healing Moments-February 2018
January 31, 2018
Following a remarkable Christian Science nursing career, Gloria Beasley, a Christian Science Nurse at Broadview, has recently become Journal-listed. We are celebrating her achievement by sharing her incredible story. One day Gloria Beasley and her husband found out that they would have to care for her mother-in-law at home. Gloria's mother-in-law was dealing with a…