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Berkeley Hall Students Sing At Broadview- Article By Tracy Colerider-Krugh

Broadview was treated to the annual Berkeley Hall Third Grade Spring Concert on May 22. A healing message of peace and unity for America wove through this year’s song selections that opened with “There are Many Flags in Many Lands.” The third song, “The Great American Melting Pot” celebrated America’s diversity and spoke of “Lady Liberty” welcoming all. The ending included “Let There Be Peace on Earth” followed by a rousing finale of “God Bless America.”

Of course, the concert also included some classics – a Sound of Music medley and Shenandoah. Their presentation expressed its usual charm and humor with the children introducing portions of the show and singing the song “When I Grow Up” from the musical Mitilda. It had everyone chuckling at such lyrics as “when I grow up, I will eat sweets everyday on the way to work and go to bed late every night…and I won’t care because I’ll be all grown up – when I grow up!”

After the concert the children chatted with the Broadview staff and guests. Several parents had attended and a couple commented on how much they appreciated hearing the concert at Broadview in an intimate setting. Music teacher Geoffrey Fontaine did a wonderful job accompanying the children on piano and shepherding them during the visiting portion, and he had the pleasure of reconnecting with a Broadview guest that he’d known nearly twenty years ago. It was a happy time for everyone and we’re grateful every year for their visit!

Tracy Colerider-Krugh

Broadview, Inc.

Activities/Volunteer Coordinator

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