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$25,000 Matching Grant from First Church, Newport Beach

UPDATE AS OF 8/30/16: $10,000 raised so far towards this matching grant. Help us get to $25,000 by clicking here!

Earlier this year, the members of First Church of Christ, Scientist in Newport Beach came together to discuss the value of Christian Science nursing to our Southern California community.

Recognizing just how many church members have been touched by the services of a Christian Science nurse (and how many healings witnessed!), they realized the need for Christian Science churches to take ownership of our local facilities. After some discussion, they voted to allocate $25,000 of church funds to Broadview in the form of a matching grant – with the expectation that the matching would be done by other C.S. churches in our area, above and beyond regular donations.

Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes in Miscellany:

Philanthropy is loving, ameliorative, revolutionary; it awakens lofty desires, new possibilities, achievements, and energies; it lays the axe at the root of the tree that bringeth not forth good fruit; it touches thought to spiritual issues, systematizes action, and insures success; it starts the wheels of right reason, revelation, justice, and mercy; it unselfs men and pushes on the ages. (287:19-2)

A letter announcing this matching grant opportunity has gone out to all Christian Science churches in the following counties: Los Angeles,Double your gift Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. If you love the work we do here at Broadview and want to help us raise $50,000 this fall, we encourage you to reach out to the board of your church and let them know that you’d like your church to participate in the matching grant! Donations can be made online or via check (please indicate “matching grant” on the check) to 4570 Griffin Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90031.

For any questions, please call Kendall Tuchkova at (323) 470-0333. Thank you!

*This matching opportunity will run until met or December 31, 2016. 


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