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2018 July- Healing Moments

When my family was very young (about 35 years ago), my twin boys were 18 months old and my daughters were 6 and 4- – a busy time! One morning we were walking over to our neighborhood park, the girls bicycling ahead, and the little boys toddling along with me. One son, Will, lost his balance and fell into a small bush just under a tall streetlight. He immediately began screaming and I swooped him up to hug him and saw a very bloody hand.

He had fallen on a large piece of street-light glass that had apparently been hidden in the small, dense bush. A neighbor took my other kids over to the park, and I returned home with the tearful toddler, to calm and clean him up. When I arrived at the house and began cleaning his little hand, I saw that it was a deep wound. I called a Christian Science Practitioner and asked for her support in the care of the child, which she agreed to do. She also suggested I call a Christian Science Nurse, who arrived about 20 minutes later.

Her name was Inez Lowe and she was like an angel. She immediately calmed both of us down, re-cleaned and bandaged the cut, gave hugs and prayerful ideas. During the next three days, she came back and changed the bandage, witnessing a speedy healing taking place. After the initial incident, Will never cried with the whole process of cleaning and bandaging.  On the fourth day, Mrs. Lowe and I saw that the wound had completely mended and she no longer needed to come for treatment.

This was my first experience with a Christian Science Nurse, and I and my children were very grateful and impressed with the loving, calm, and very capable help that she gave us.



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