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2018 August- Healing Moments

A few years ago my daughter and I flew to Michigan to attend the graduation of my grandson from Michigan Tech.  It was warm and sunny when we left Southern California, but it was snowing when we landed in Michigan, and it continued to snow for the rest of that day and most of the next.  Despite this, we had a wonderful visit with my grandson Mark and his lovely girlfriend Katelyn, who took us on a tour of the campus and the small town in which it is situated.  I was truly grateful that Mark and Katelyn had been able to arrange their schedules so that they were able to spend virtually every waking moment with us for the two and a half days we were there.

On commencement day as we sat in the stands of the hockey stadium waiting for the ceremony to begin, I realized that I had an extremely sore throat.  I was surprised because this hadn’t been the case earlier.  I’m afraid my first reaction was to look at myself as a mortal, subject to the ill effects of freezing temperatures, lack of sleep, and sudden changes in dietary habits.  But immediately after that another view came to thought, one that I knew was the correct reason.  Although I had sung hymns to myself for almost the entire flight there, after arriving I had hardly had time even to pray in my usual manner, let alone read the Christian Science Bible Lesson.  I had failed to protect myself from claims of this sort, and now I was suffering the consequences.

I decided to remedy this situation with a good dose of the Truth, and immediately turned to the Scientific Statement of Being [Christian Science Bible Lesson] which I declared to myself several times, along with other powerful statements from Science and Health.   The pain in my throat lessened immediately.  I continued with my work until the ceremony began, and then concentrated on the graduation ceremony with joy.  Later on, when we exited the stadium, it was to a beautiful sunny day, and I realized the sore throat was completely gone.  It did not return, and I have only joyful memories of this wonderful trip.  I am truly grateful for Christian Science.



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